Community Update: BOOM! Theater

Creative Aging is a movement where arts & culture organizations are starting to pay attention to how they’re engaging older adults, not just as patrons. We caught up with members of BOOM! Theater, a company focused on theatrical productions presented by older adults, largely Baby Boomers and Gen Xers.

Find more info on BOOM! Theater’s Facebook page.

"Older adults have vital contributions to make to society as creators and community members. Abundant evidence shows that arts participation improves the emotional well-being of older adults, supports good health, strengthens social bonds, and brings a heightened experience of purpose and joy to our lives as we mature. However, older adults all too often experience the effects of ageism, isolation and limited access to meaningful arts learning experiences."- National Assembly of State Arts Agencies

Find more information:
Creative Aging Resources
Creative Aging 101

Access, TalentAmp Strategy