Akron Eats 2022

AkronEats – Travel Edition was a free event, hosted by the Akron-Summit County Public Library, celebrating culture, primarily of Akron’s newest immigrant communities, through food, music, and dance. Event-goers were able to sample cuisine from several local restaurants, including pop-ups working out of NoHi. Traditional Nepali music from Druk Fusion and dancers from the Himalayan Arts, Language, and Culture Academy performed, and a cooking demonstration by Chef Jennifer Tidwell provided additional activities.

Visitors were also able to complete a passport application with the Library’s passport agents.

This event allowed a glimpse into some of the various cultures that make up today’s Akron area. Food is a great uniter, and people were able to come together in a friendly way to learn about and sample different foods and flavors.

This was our first foray into a food event of this type – we learned a bit about how to provide food samples to a crowd, and anticipate future events will be just as fun, educational, and lively.

To learn more about the Akron-Summit County Public Library and its resources, visit: akronlibrary.org

To learn about upcoming Akron-Summit County Public Library events, visit: services.akronlibrary.org/events